
Though funds are slight these days, I’ve found some beauty products which are nontoxic, look, feel, smell, taste great and give a little special happy zing! to a disgusting hot mess of a summer.  There are old favorites in this bunch too, but for the next couple of days I’ll share what has me happily bopping around town with a fabulous glow.  (Well, at least some of the time.  Most of the bopping is owing to life and interests and whatnot, but you want to dress up to show that all off, right?)

#1: Smith’s Minted Rose Lip Balm.

This one is the “minty and zingy” version of the old-school (literally!) Smith’s Rosebud Salve.  The mint cuts through some of the sweetness of the original, but still leaves your lips soft and glossy.  Best parts: not sticky or greasy.  A dab of this plus your favorite shade of lipstick = perfection!

See: Sephora.